What to do if your water stops running in Fresno
Imagine turning on the faucet for a refreshing drink, only to be met with a sputter or silence. No running water can be a major inconvenience, especially in Fresno’s hot climate. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you troubleshoot and get your water flowing
1. Check for Localized Issues:
● Single Fixture: Is the lack of water limited to one faucet, shower, or appliance?
This might indicate a problem isolated to that specific pipe or fixture. Check for
any visible leaks around the fixture itself.
● Shut-off Valves: Sometimes, a shut-off valve near the fixture might be accidentally closed. Locate the valve handle and ensure it’s fully open.
2. Look for City-Wide Disruptions:
● Fresno Public Utilities: Fresno’s public utility department might be conducting
planned maintenance or repairs that could disrupt water flow in your area. Check
their website or social media pages for any notifications regarding water shutoffs.
● Neighbor Inquiry: Reach out to your neighbors and see if they’re experiencing
similar issues. If it’s a widespread problem, it’s likely a city-related matter.
3. Address Potential Leaks:
● Water Meter: Locate your water meter, usually near the curb outside your
house. Check the dial to see if it’s moving when you turn on a faucet inside. If the
dial remains still, there might be a leak before the meter, indicating a problem
requiring a city call.
● Visible Leaks: Inspect your pipes and fixtures for any signs of water leaking.
Leaks can not only disrupt water flow but also lead to higher water bills and
potential water damage.
4. Call a Plumber:
● Persisting Issues: If you’ve checked for localized problems, city disruptions, and leaks, and your water is still not running, it’s time to call a professional plumber.
They can diagnose the problem and fix any internal plumbing issues that might
be causing the outage.
Pro Tip:
If you suspect a leak but can’t locate it yourself, a plumber can use specialized
tools to identify hidden leaks. Addressing leaks promptly can save you money on water bills and prevent costly water damage down the line.
By following these steps, you should be able to identify the cause of your water outage and get your taps flowing freely again. Remember, if the problem seems beyond your expertise or there’s a possibility of a leak, don’t hesitate to call a licensed plumber in Fresno to ensure a swift and professional resolution.